
Donate Computer

Shyamsundar Child and Women Development Society (Reg. NGO under Govt. of West Bengal ) run computer education program for the children belonging to SC/ST and BPL families.  We have required fully functional spare computers in good running condition for our computer training program.  Currently there are required 10 computers.

Please write to Secretary at  , expressing your interest. 
Visit us: .

Your donation can make a lasting change in the lives of a school child and villages we serve. Kindly contact us if you wish to make a contribution or make donation in a form of equipments to support any of our programs (Computers, cameras, books for school children, office supplies, clothing’s etc)

Your smaller contributions leads to bigger changes. 

Please Donate Generously : We accept Cheque, Demand Draft 

Please send Cheque or draft in favor of “Shyamsundar Child and Women Development Society” to following address:

Mailing Address
Sanjib Kumar Roy
Shyamsundar Child and Women Development Society
Vill - Shyamsundar Chawk, 
Baidya Colony,
P.O. - Sontoshpur,
Dist - Howrah
Pin- 711310, West Bengal


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